학술 토론회

정제백일해백신의 현황과 전망
  • 등록일 2003-11-06
  • 조회수 5903
-행 사 명 : 백일해백신의 현황과 전망
-목 적 : 정제백일해백신의 품질관리를 위한 국내외 현황 및
관련기관의 정보교환
-행사일시 : 2003. 10. 24
-장 소 : 실험동 대강당
-주관부서 : 생물의약품평가부 세균제제과
-초청연자 :(이름, 소속, E-mail, 주요연구분야, 전화번호등)
첨부 참조
-행사일정 : 2003년 2월 24일
13:00-13:30 Registration
Sook Jin Hur, Ph.D
Korea Food and Drug Administration
13:30-13:40 Opening Address
Seok Ho Lee, R.Ph., Ph.D
Korea Food and Drug Administration
13:40-14:10 Pertussis in Korea by Laboratory Diagnosis
Won Keun Seong, Ph.D
National Institute of Health
14:10-14:40 Pertussis vaccine - Issues of efficacy and safety
Yoshinobu Horiuchi, Ph.D
National Institute of Infectious Disease
14:40-15:10 Current Status and Prospect on National Quality Control for acellular pertussis vaccine in Korea
Sook Jin Hur, Ph.D
Korea Food and Administration
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 Age Specific Seroepidemiology of Pertussis in Korea
Jin Han Kang, M.D & Ph.D
Catholic University of Korea
16:00-16:30 Manufacturing of National standard Candidate for pertussis vaccine
Hyung Won Seo
Green Cross Vaccine Corp.
16:30-17:00 Filling Validation and Sealing Integrity
In Jae Lee, Ph.D
Green Cross Vaccine Corp.
17:00-17:30 EPI in Korea
Young Taek Kim, MD
National Institute of Health
17:30- Closing Address
  • 14심포지움.zip 다운받기

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