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Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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Latest COVID-19 News

Enactment·Enforcement of a notification on「Emergency Adjustment Measures for Supply and Demand of Filtering Respirators, Surgical Masks and Hand Sanitizers」(Feb.26)
  • Registration Date 2020-05-29
  • Hit 1207
○ The Emergency Adjustment Measures for Supply and Demand was enacted and enforced to address the filtering respirators and surgical masks shortages due to the spread of COVID-19 and to stabilize the supply and demand of masks.

- The exportation of filtering respirators and surgical masks by distributors is prohibited in principle from the 26th of February, and producers’ export volume is restricted to less than 10% of their production volume.

- Producers should ship more than 50% of a total filtering respirators and surgical masks production to public retailer selling them (post office, Nonghyup, Hanaro Mart, etc.).

- In addition, the subject covered by the production and sales reporting system has been expanded from filtering respirators and hand sanitizer to surgical masks in order to supply surgical masks without difficulty.
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Division 국제협력담당관

Written by 최유정

Telephone 043-719-1552