Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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Food and drug safety policies in the second half of 2020
  • Registration Date 2020-08-10
  • Hit 6265
Changes to be made in food and drug safety policies in the second half of 2020

The second half of 2020
Food and Drug Safety Policy Updates
Implementation of National Residue Program (NPR) for raw milk
For further safety, raw milk, previously tested for residual substances by veterinarians under the private sector's responsibility, will undergo additional testing by municipal or provincial livestock inspection bureaus.
Operation of domestic usage procedures of drugs developed oversea
New procedures put into place to allow the use of drugs that are developed overseas for terminal cancer patients or patients with serious illness who have no other treatment options.
Mandatory to report Medical device supply data
Manufacturers, importers, marketers and rental firms supplying class-4 medical devices are required to report supply data through the Integrated Medical Device Information System.
Implementation of the Advanced Regenerative Bio Act
Implementation of a customized management system by establishing a "Management of Human Cells, Etc" and making a long-term tracking of patients mandatory after the administration of a treatment.
Providing Generic Drug Information
Providing "Generic Drug Information" on drugs manufactured from the same manufacturer and provided bio-equivalent data.
Making HACCP mandatory for livestock products
Improving the safety management system of livestock products by making HACCP certification mandatory for processed livestock businesses and edible egg packaging businesses.
Establishing a tracking system of implantable medical device safety information
Preparing a system that can trace the medical devices from its market release to the actual use in medical institutions and by patients, and check the information about the product and its safety.
A full implementation of GMP on health functional food products
Establishing the production base for health functional food products by making the implementation of GMP mandatory.
Making HACCP accreditation mandatory
A full implementation of HACCP accreditation on 8 types of food products such as children's favorite foods.

Please refer to the Press Release in Korean dated Jun 26, 2020 for more information.
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Division 국제협력담당관

Written by 배성명

Telephone 043-719-1559