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[Press Release] MFDS Signs the Arrangement on Preliminary Safety Control of Fishery Products Imported From the Argentine Republic, such as ‘Skates’
  • Registration Date 2023-09-13
  • Hit 17210

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) of the Republic of Korea (Minister OH Yu-Kyoung) and the National Service for Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA) of the Argentine Republic signed the ‘Korean-Argentine Arrangement on the Safety of Fishery Products’ on August 10, aiming to ensure that the fishery products imported from the Argentine Republic are pre-controlled for their safety (e.g., sanitary surveillance of the local export facilities for fishery products, etc.) by the government of the Argentine Republic.

Attached File
  • [23.Aug.11] MFDS Signs the Arrangement on Preliminary Safety Control of Fishery Products Imported From the Argentine Republic, such as ‘Skates’.pdf Download preview

Division Imported Food Inspection Management Division

Written by Cho Soo-Jin

Telephone 043-719-2230