- Registration Date 2016-06-24
- Hit 10766
[Company Information]
□ Name : BNR Co.,Ltd.
□ Company CI : attachment 1
□ Website Address (URL) : http://www.vaxcon.com
□ Location
○ Headquater : 150, Seunggicheon-ro, Namdong-gu, Incheon, Korea
○ Research Laboratory : 2309, IS BIZ Tower, 26, Yangpyeong-ro, 21-gil, Yeoungdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea(07207)
○ Domestic sales and Marketing department : 2309, IS BIZ Tower, 26, Yangpyeong-ro, 21-gil, Yeoungdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea(07207)
○ Factory 1 : 150, Seunggicheon-ro, Namdong-gu, Incheon, Korea
□ Contacts (URL)
○ Department : Marketing Department
○ Tel : 82-2-6968-2461, Fax : 82-2-6968-2453,
email : gktmdwls1031@naver.com
□ Promotional Materials : attachment 2
[Detailed Information]
□ Product 1
○ Model : Safepass Trocar
○ Intended Use : This device consists of trocar assembly and knife assembly, and it is a device used to insert surgical instrument into thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity, or to secure a passage to remove foreign substance in thoracic cavity or abdominal cavity when endoscopic surgery is done, and it is manually operated. It is a device that is used with 2-WAY syringe cock installed on it which enables the supply of gas through the trocar.
○ Image : attachment 3
○ Promotional Materials : attachment 2
□ Product 2
○ Model : VAXCON Bladeless Trocar
○ Intended Use : This device consists of trocar assembly and knife assembly, and it is a device used to insert surgical instrument into thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity, or to secure a passage to remove foreign substance in thoracic cavity or abdominal cavity when endoscopic surgery is done, and it is manually operated. It is a device that is used with 2-WAY syringe cock installed on it which enables the supply of gas through the trocar.
○ Image : attachment 4
○ Promotional Materials : attachment 2
□ Product 3
○ Model : Safe Pouch bag
○ Intended Use : This product is aimed at extracting tissue or specimen from the body during the operation of pleural and visceral cavities using endoscope. This product is devised so that the bag is spreaded with a button advanced. A hook in the button moving region enables to manually control the shape of bag entrance with a button suspended.
○ Image : attachment 5
○ Promotional Materials : attachment 2
□ Product 4
○ Model : Safe Wound Retractor
○ Intended Use : The Safe Wound Retractor is a one piece design, consisting of a wound sheath with a ring at both ends. An incision template is included. SAFE WOUND RETRACTOR consists of a flexible polymer membrane formed into the shape of a cylinder. Attached to each open end of the cylinder are two semi-rigid polymer rings. One ring is positioned inside a body cavity while the other remains outside the patient. ○ Image : attachment 6
○ Promotional Materials : attachment 2
□ Product 5
○ Model : Safe Single port
○ Intended Use : It is a device used to insert surgical instrument into thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity or secure a passage to remove foreign substance in thoracic cavity or abdominal cavity when endoscopic surgery is done, and it is manually operated. Connector assembly is used to fasten Port assembly and Wound retractor.
○ Image : attachment 7
○ Promotional Materials : attachment 2
Attachment 1_Company CI.jpg Download
Attachment 3_Product 1) Safepass Trocar.jpg Download
Attachment 4_Product 2) Vaxcon Bladeless Trocar.jpg Download
Attachment 5_Product 3) Safe Pouch Bag.jpg Download
Attachment 6_Product 4) Safe Wound Retractor.jpg Download
Attachment 7_Product 5) Safe Single Port.jpg Download
Written by 이종오