Korean version of Canada's Food safety preventive control plan checklist
- Registration Date 2020-07-28
- Hit 96179
1. The translated document rehein reflects Canadian Food safety preventive control plan checklist (PCP form) based on Canada's newly implemented Safe Food for Canadian Act.
2. The translated document into Korean herein is a service provided for user's convenience and it shall not be contrued as having official authority. Ministry of Food and Drug Safety shall bear no legal responsibility for the accuracy of such translation, and in case of any divergence of interpretation of the Korean and English version thereof, the English version shall apply.
자세한 사항은 첨부파일의 원문 및 번역본을 참고하시기 바랍니다. 또한, 번역본에 오류가 있을 수 있으니, 반드시 원문을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.
Thank you.
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Division 식품안전정책과
Written by 김영신
Telephone 043-719-2031